Hi! My name if Fern Lane (she/her)
This site contains my open-source projects, music and minecraft clients for my friends
I'm software & hardware engineer and aspiring musician. In software development, I have the most experience in backend, embedded systems, CLI applications, desktop applications, linux, machine learning, web development, Android, and languages like C, C++, Python, Java, and bare JS. On the hardware side, I specialize in logic and analog devices, MCUs, UAVs, and consumer electronics. Also i'm interested in creating experimental / ambient music using analog synth, tape machines, ambient sounds, etc. as soundtracks and for listening. I love linux, electronics, open-source software & hardware. Also, my interests extend to non-mainstream music, art, photography and architecture.
If you want to ask me a question, be my friend or hire me, message me (in English or russian) on Signal , Telegram or fernlane@proton.me